Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

The intern must attend daily internship sessions in accordance with the time mentioned beforehand.
The assigned work is to be submitted within the timeline provided.
The intern is expected to attend the internship for all the working days.
Leaving early for the day shall only be permitted if there is a valid and genuine reason for it.
In case of attendance below 80%, the certificate for internship will not be offered to the intern.
The quality of the performance during the internship, and in the assigned work, shall be a measure of your commitment towards the internship.
Any form of plagiarism and academic misconduct shall not be tolerated. If one is found to be guilty of the same, immediate and appropriate actions will be taken against him/her.
The interns are required to behave in tandem with the basic ethical code of conduct during the internship.
Interns are expected to be well-mannered and show professionalism during the working hours.
Interns are expected to treat their colleagues and trainers with appropriate dignity and respect.
Any behavioural misconduct on the part of the interns as well as the trainers is to be reported immediately.
The quality of work submitted shall ascertain your efficacy. This will determine whether you receive an opportunity to work with Mind Solace in future or not.
Community outreach is a compulsory part of the internship.
Certificates will only be provided after the successful completion of community outreach’s hours.
Interns are expected to be well-mannered and show professionalism during the community outreach programme. Any misconduct, slacking or unprofessional behaviour will lead to immediate suspension from the course. (point about extra paperwork)
Interns are allowed to do extra work for community outreach programme in order to earn extra credits.
The interns will be reviewing their peers at the end of the internship. Any form of bias will not be tolerated in this process.
A few days will be provided to the interns for getting their paperwork of internship completed. The interns are required to complete the paperwork and collect their certificate on those very days.